Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Morning Cinnamon Rolls

December always has me baking lots of cookies. This year, I ended up baking a lot of bread as well - I've been reading more bread recipes lately and that makes me want to test and taste. After looking at some dry and smooshed stollen at various grocery stores, I decided to look at making some myself, but after some browsing, I ended up wanting cinnamon rolls instead.

I'm not sure why I ended up using this recipe over others. I have no idea how credible the site is or what other posts are there, but something jumped out at me (probably the proportions of the ingredients that matched what I had in the fridge! and that it was easily scaled down to a breakfast quantity for 2 people!) In any case, as these are puffing in the oven and wafting their spicy cinnamonyness, I think I made a good choice.
Because I had so much other bread around from the week - buttermilk fan-tan rolls, rustic whole wheat French bread, plus cookies, cake, and chocolates, I didn't want a whole huge recipe's worth. I was easily able to scale these quantities back  by dividing by three on the fly. I figured four rolls would be just the right amount (as it turned out, after rising, I was able to slice into 6 good-sized buns when the recipe x3 called for 12).

Instead of raisins, I soaked some dried cranberries in brandy to plump them and give these an extra-Christmasy flair.

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