Age: 35
Experience: baking since age 6, cooking since age 17.
"Cook" or "Baker": both. But personality and portfolio and favorite dishes all lean heavily toward desserts.
Favorite websites: and, custom beer taps by my #1 taste-tester, drink mixer, and plate-dirtier, Will.
Beyond the bullet points:
The nickname "lamb" (as well as iterations such as: lambie, sheep, baa baa, wooly-brained, etc) comes from my middle name, Agnes which was my beloved great-grandmother's name, but also happens to be Latin for lamb. I happen to do a fair bit of munching, as sheeps do, and when I decided to start tracking those munches online, it seemed appropriate to share a few musings as well.
I have been baking for a long time. Growing up, I was fortunate to spend time with my grandparents instead of with babysitters, and both my grandma's had their own distinctive styles, which I was able to experience in part through baking with them. One day each week during most of the school year, I would bake cookies with one of them to keep the family supplied with fresh goodies. The other one would help me every fall design, construct, and decorate a birthday cake for what usually ended up becoming an elaborately-themed party.
As they grew older, and my parents took to hosting holidays and family gatherings, my mother - who is an excellent, sophisticated, and healthful cook - seemed to single-handedly manage elaborate and elegant menus but always was happy to leave the dessert course to me. Thus, from about age 15 onward, I have owned the distinct pleasure of creating that last morsel upon which a meal is savoured... offering family and guests the jewel that is dessert, to linger on the lips as we move away from the table and deeper into whatever celebration or festivity is upon us.